Change it up

Looking to create more space in your shower by removing a tub? Or adding a tub for those luxurious, all-afternoon baths?

Choose us for our affordable prices, customizable shower solutions, and outstanding customer service.

A Modern and Fresh Update

EBW is an answer to a perennial customer complaint - designing a bathroom is stressful when there are literally thousands of bathroom tile, accessory and fixture choices out there. How to know you're getting the best possible bang for your buck? 

We've done the hard part for you. Using our team's decades of bathroom remodeling experience, we've curated a set of options that we know are the best of their kind, and look beautiful when paired together.

You now get to do the fun part.

Porcelain Tile Options
Kinds of Accessories
Types of Fixtures (each with multiple color choices)
Five Star Customer Reviews

Browse our shower conversion options

If you are not sure what you want, or have questions about what would work best in your space, feel free to contact us and work with our designer.

Bathroom Conversion Gallery

See tub to shower and shower to tub conversion examples in the homes of our customers

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